
Wednesday, May 26, 2010

It's All Ball Security These Days! Perhaps You Need a Refresher Course!

Hey, thanks to Brophy for lowering his standards and allowing me to be a contributor and post on his blog, lol. I will do my best to not screw it up too bad.

Cripes! Let's get back to fundamentals! One of the worst-taught fundamentals IMO is ball security. Ball Security can win or lose 1-2 games a year. You can demonstrate, scream, up-down, beg, or plead, but the best way to teach ball security is to show your guys video. This is part of a video I made for my RBs last year. All of the sudden I became a 100 times better RB Coach because the video reinforced my teaching and motivated my RBs to hold on to the ball correctly. Check it out:

Fundamentals of Ball Security:
1. Two Finger Claw
2. Wrist above Elbow
3. Ball Tight to Chest
4. Tuck Elbow In
5. Opposite Hand Over Football on Contact
6. Keep Pads Low

My next post will look at some game tape of fumbles and show what mistakes were made.


  1. I love the content, and the teaching method.

  2. Freaking Allsome, Hoover!
    Thanks, coach

  3. jgordon127 May, 2010

    Thanks Coach

  4. We'll definitely share that video with our skill guys.

  5. Dave in Oz12 June, 2010

    I'm forcing all ball carriers to watch this: sensational! We'll have a crack at putting our own together.


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